Posts Tagged ‘snow’


Monday, February 9th, 2009

Went to Aviemore at the weekend to play in the snow and clearly everybody else had the same idea because the road up to the ski centre was locked up with bastard skiers on both days.

Still, the Craigellachie Nature Trail and Loch an Eilein were fine alternatives and it was good to meet some new folk and put the world to rights over a few beers. It’s been a while since I found myself in the pub for three nights on the trot!

Snowy photos.

Snowy view near Loch an Eilein

The Fluid Nature of Time

Wednesday, February 4th, 2009

Finally got around to putting up some photos from the weekend.

What happens to time in bothies?

You sit by the fire, dozily enjoying a dram after dinner then *BANG!* it’s three in the morning and the only subject that hasn’t come up for discussion at some point between now and then is what time it is!

Benvane Ben A’an

Saturday, December 6th, 2008

Some numpty had managed to take up most of the parking space for Benvane by awkwardly parking their car and muggins here got stuck in a lovely snow/ice/bog combination trying to squeeze into what space was left. Finally managed to acquire traction and claw my way back onto the road after an hour and a half with the help of a stack of logs I had in the boot. I knew they would come in handy one day.

I was less enthusiastic about the whole enterprise by that point so I did Ben A’an instead and then bought an assortment of tasty beers at the Lade Inn beer shop. Steak pie for tea. On the whole, not a bad result.

Sunny Glen Etive

Saturday, November 1st, 2008

Just back from a wee trip to do some hills in Glen Etive with Scott. There was a view and that’s the main thing. As usual, it looks warm and peaceful in the photos but it was bloody freezing up there in that wind really. I kid you not. Totally baltic.

A few beers and a feed in the Clachaig rounded the day off beautifully. Try the boar sausage thing if you’re there.

Big Snowy Hills

Sunday, March 23rd, 2008

Grand day out yesterday on Gleouraich after wild camping in the glen.Looking west over Loch Quoich

As usual, there are some photos.

Tired now. Sleeps.

Edit: Here’s an Ordnance Survey map of that area.